So I only have one picture to post because that is all I managed to take over the Easter holiday weekend. It's been months since I've used my big boy camera and I've missed it. Easter was the perfect way to end the kid's spring break from school. It's late in the school year and it was a desperately needed time away from our hectic routine.
We got dressed up fancy for church. I bought a new top (and wore it backwards because I liked how it looked under my sweater better & no one even knew!). The girls got new dresses and the boys looked pretty handsome in their suits. I spoke in Sacrament Meeting and the Mr. sang my very favorite Easter song "Consider the Lilies". I've loved that song since I was a little girl, when my grandma was the choir director in our ward in Pittsburgh and had them sing it every year. Maybe I love it because it is a memory that is attached to Grandma. I love anything that reminds me of her. Anyhoo.....I also had to teach the Sharing Time lesson in Primary and Tatum gave a short talk too. I really felt the Spirit throughout the day
I was completely exhausted from our adventures during the week and just wanted to collapse on the couch and take a nap right after church. Instead, I talked everyone into heading right into the backyard so I could take a family picture. And then I collapsed.
I hope this Easter was good to you & your loved ones.

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