

I'm just popping in to spread the word about a fabulous giveaway here:

(you won't want to miss this one!)

Yes, I'm back :) Sort of. We got our computer back yesterday so my life will get back to normal soon. I am in the process of putting a regular blog posting schedule together & working on new crafty things to share with you. Sometimes, it's good to take a break from everything so you can figure out what's most important to you. I've most decidedly decided that my family comes first. I was trying to figure out how to balance crafting & kids and wasn't satisfied with the time I was giving either. So, for me, this is what will work best. Crafting is what makes me, well, me. So I will definitely be crafting....just part-time. Not full-time like I thought I could do. And that's alright with me. There will be more "me time" when the kids are in school. All 4 of them. I look forward to good things & sweet times.

Happy Wednesday night. I'm excited that Daughtry is on Idol tonight :)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so lovely! =) I just stumbled onto it...


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