
i'm making skirts

So instead of buying pastel dresses for the girls this year, I thought I'd put my sewing machine to work and make the girls bright, fun skirts for Easter.  Um, did I mention that I'm not an experienced sewer....seamstress....whatever.  Apparently, even cutting fabric proves to be a challenge for me.  {insert embarrassed giggle}.  Let's just say that even though I butchered the fabric to cut out the pattern (oh, did I also mention that the pattern is not really a pattern at all?  it's just a booklet with instructions.  i've never felt so lost in all my life.  even IKEA instructions were easier for me to figure out.  oi.)  it's finally done and ready to be assembled tomorrow.  If it looks decent, I just might share skirt #1 with you.  And if it doesn't, I'll be heading to Target & hoping all the cute dresses aren't aleady sold out.

snip, snip!

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