
slowing down

It's been quiet around here.  I've been trying to slow down time just a bit and soak in every last moment before the hustle and bustle of summer begins.  The kids have just 1.5 weeks left of school and all the end of the year craziness is in full swing - parties, award ceremonies & more parties.  Oh my.  I recently accepted a calling (a way to serve) in my church and my life is going to be somewhat hectic for the next year....or longer.  But I am quietly enjoying time to myself reading manuals and scripture and getting prepared.  I feel overwhelmed and peaceful all at the same time.  Do you ever feel like that?  

It's got me thinking that so often life can take over and push those quiet moments out of the way.   Quite often the only time I spend with the Mr. is watching Storage Wars or HGTV before we hit the sack.    That's not really spending time together at all.  Not quality time anyway.  Obviously I've given this a lot of thought.  I want more quality time - with my Mr., our 4 kids, by myself and the new friends we will make here as time goes by.  I'm seeing more than ever that the need for quality surpasses quantity in my life as of late.  I am trying to be more thoughtful about the day-to-day things so that I can enjoy accomplishing things instead of dreading doing them.  Today I did the dishes (which I hate doing because we don't have a dishwasher in our tiny apartment) and hummed tunes the whole time.  I was done before I knew it and then it was on to vacuuming.  Such a little thing can make such a big difference.

And I think I've got the Mr. on board too.  We are both in this together and that makes me feel better about this approach to slowing down and enjoying the little things more - like an impromptu dance with Tatum in the dining room.  I married a winner, I tell ya ;)

So I'm wondering, what do you do to put more quality time into your daily life?



  1. I can't wait to hear what your new calling is!! Whatever it is I am SURE you will be great!!!

  2. sooo what's the new calling?? Inquiring minds want to know. Sounds like a plan to me. I have been trying to do the same but with 6 it's so hard sometimes.


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