In an effort to avoid cabin fever, the Mr. & I went fishing one day last week. Our ward (church) owns a private lake and he can go whenever he likes. It was nice to get out - for him to do his thing and for me to do mine. I walked around and photographed little details of our excursion. I put away all the cameras to do a little fishing just before we left. It did our souls good to be surrounded by nature. I am grateful that God created such beautiful things.
Little known fact about me: I love to fish from the shore line but will not ever touch the fish once it's caught. It grosses me out to touch fish. Maybe if I was wearing gloves I would touch them....
A friend with a boat offered to take him out to the middle of the lake this morning to catch some catfish. It is perfect timing. We need a little break from one another. Perhaps this is a small glimpse of what our retirement will be like. The Mr. & I have been getting along just fine. He's been super helpful around the house. But we are not used to being around one another for sixteen days straight. Certainly, we have a strong opinion about what is going on in Washington. We pray every day that an agreement can be made that will be for the good of the American people and allow the Mr. to go back to work. It is frustrating to think that his job is considered non-essential. For us, it is more than essential. It is how we survive.

I have come to realize, yet again, that life is what you make of it. I have learned many lessons about self-reliance. Now we have a plan - a written plan - and feel good about moving forward. We already have 72 hr. kits and enough beans and wheat to feed us for three months. Our plan is to stockpile more than the basics so we can feel secure should we ever be in this situation again. Who knows how long the shutdown and the effects of it will really last for our family. I want to be prepared. I am grateful that this experience, which could be pretty rough for our family of six, has been more of a time of reflection and preparation than bitterness.

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