The boys had their final soccer games the same weekend. We live and breathe soccer in the fall and spring so it's nice to have a little break in-between. Noah was awarded a medal for playing his little heart out. Carter's team was made co-champions because the championship game was cancelled due to weather.

To finish off my birthday, we headed to a local fishing spot to take a family photo for our Christmas card. I've always been too lazy to put a card and family newsletter together but decided this would be the year to get it done. We had a crazy time trying to get the one perfect shot. When we arrived, the kids were moody and didn't want to cooperate. I forgot to style Noah's hair and left his glasses in the drawer of my bedside table. It was a disaster. Luckily we only live 10 minutes away, so we piled everyone back in the van, made a mad dash home and back again, set up the tripod (again) and got the perfect shot just before the sun faded through the trees. I had to share an outtake of the fun. Tatum's face says it all.

Happy Belated Birthday..