

I finished up a layout I've had sitting in my "scrap this" pile for a few months.  Why is that being a mom of 4, 3 of them in school, 1 of them with Encopresis, 1 of them potty training, 1 of them in Cub Scouts, 1 of them in Young Women & orchestra makes a mom forget who she is??  Finding a balance is so hard right now.  I keep telling myself that one day they will all be adults & I will be grateful for the personal sacrafices I am making so that they can have a mom that has time for them now.  In making those sacrafices I have felt like I have lost my identity in some way.  I used to love to do certain things but now I just don't have time for them.  I'm sure you moms out there know exactly what I'm talking about.  I need a happy medium - a time each day set aside just for me to do whatever it is I want & no one can interrupt me to help them go potty, get a snack or pop their favorite movie into the VCR (yes, we still have one).   I desperately need me time.  

Somehow I managed to finish this layout, am almost done with a 2nd, & have a 3rd started.  This is something I used to do all the time.  But I've lost that spark.  I want it back.  I need it back.  This is going to be a long journey for me & I am hoping by the end I will know exactly what my spark is, how to maintain it & what it is I want to do with my life.  (I am 32 years old.  Shouldn't I have already figured all this out??  Geesh.)

So I hope you don't mind but occasionally I will share the triumphs & failures of my path to rediscovering me & my artistic self. 

Out of curiosity - what is your spark??  what's that thing you love to do that keeps you ticking & still allows you to have time to be a good mom, wife, friend??

1 comment:

  1. Playing the oboe. Oh, and this is Catherine. I have a new gmail account for my class. :)


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